Senator Resources


3:00 p.m., every Monday in Callen Conference Center, Lower Level of Smith-Curtis

Senator Resources

The following information is designed to reduce confusion and improve efficiency among current senators, as well as answer potential questions that may arise.

Process for Recognition of New Organizations

In order for any organization on campus to receive funding from SAS, whether through the budgeting process or legislation, it must be recognized as an official student organization. This process requires several steps:

  • Recognition as a student organization by the Student Life Office. This will include the appointment of a faculty advisor, a minimum number of members, and the election of a President, Secretary and Treasurer. As other requirements may apply, check with the Student Life Office for details.
  • Drafting of a constitution and set of by-laws, as pertains to the particular organization, and filing these documents with the Student Life Office.
  • Submission of a Bill to recognize the organization by Student Affairs Senate. We highly recommend using the pre-formatted Template for Recognition of New Student Organization which covers all necessary information.

Once these steps have been fulfilled and the Bill has been successfully voted forward, the student organization in question will be eligible to receive funds from SAS.

Submitting Legislation

All legislation must be submitted to the secretaries no later than the Thursday prior to each general assembly meeting. Legislation coming from committee鈥攕pecifically, drafted by and endorsed by a committee鈥攎ay be voted upon during the initial meeting it is presented. All other legislation, namely that submitted by an individual senator, must be sent to the appropriate committee(s) prior to being voted upon, requiring at least two meetings before a decision will be reached.

2018-2019 Legislation

2017-2018 Legislation