
Contact or visit us

Modern Languages Department
JoAnn Fuess
Department Chair
Old Main, Room 220
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2225
jmf [at] (jmf[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)


Modern Language Studies majors are doing exciting things, both here and abroad. We are pleased to invest in our students as they engage in their host cultures abroad, and recognize the outstanding work accomplished throughout their academic careers. As a Modern Language Studies major, you will be considered for the following grants and awards:

Departmental Grants and Awards: 

  • CASH Award (Cultural Activity Supplemental Help): A cultural engagement grant to help students experience and participate in the culture of their host country while studying abroad. (Typical awards range $50-150)
  • Tony Epp Award for Outstanding Senior Presentation ($100 each)
  • Kawasaki Scholarship Award for Exemplary Student of Japanese ($150)
  • Modern Language Scholar Award ($200)