A podium and backdrop with the Nebraska Wesleyan University logo.
ϲϴȫ to Celebrate New Horizons Mission to Pluto With "Plutopalooza" Event

ϲϴȫ to Celebrate New Horizons Mission to Pluto With "Plutopalooza" Event

  • Pluto
    The New Horizons spacecraft will fly by Pluto for the first time on July 14. ϲϴȫ professor Nathaniel Cunningham has worked with one of the data collecting instruments on board.
  • Pluto
    The New Horizons spacecraft will fly by Pluto for the first time on July 14. ϲϴȫ professor Nathaniel Cunningham has worked with one of the data collecting instruments on board.

The New Horizons spacecraft is speeding towards Pluto for its first close look of the dwarf planet. The spacecraft’s closest approach will take place on Tuesday, July 14 and Nebraska Wesleyan will celebrate with a “Plutopalooza” event.

Beginning at 7 p.m. in Nebraska Wesleyan’s planetarium, physics professor Nathaniel Cunningham will talk about the New Horizons mission and its significance. Since 2006, Cunningham has assisted a team with the Southwest Research Institute in collecting data from an instrument on board the New Horizons spacecraft. NASA is hoping New Horizons and its scientific instruments can answer questions about Pluto, including what its atmosphere is made of and what its surface looks like.

At 8 p.m., attendees will watch a live stream from NASA’s Mission Control as they await contact from the New Horizons spacecraft and receive updates about the flyby. Pluto-related children’s activities will also be available throughout the Plutopalooza event. The event will conclude at 8:30 p.m.

Nebraska Wesleyan’s planetarium is located inside the Olin Hall of Science, located one block east of 50th Street and St. Paul Ave. The event is free and open to the public.